Posts tagged “Grow you Facebook Page”

Facebook has over 1.9 billion daily active users; meaning it makes sense for businesses to use Facebook to boost their business. With 80 million small-medium sized businesses on Facebook (an increase of 23% year on year) and 6 million of those choosing to advertise on the platform - there certainly is a big reason to choose Facebook as one of your main marketing channels. 
Facebook has a variety of features including Facebook ads. Facebook ads help businesses get more visibility for their Facebook content and boost traffic to their core website content. Since Facebook ads keep your audience engaged, it also helps your marketing strategy reach a new audience or market you never knew existed. Ultimately, if you advertise on Facebook, customers will get to know your brand, products, or services in a click of a button. 
In case Facebook ads are still vague to you, let’s talk about why you need to be investing in them. Here are some of the benefits of Facebook ads that you need to know. 
Facebook engagement is important, as it can help extend organic reach. 
Engagement helps boost your News Feed placement based on the Facebook algorithm. Likes and shares expose your posts to your audience’s extended network. 
Ultimately, engagement indicates that your audience is well engaged. An engaged audience that wants to interact with your brand is something every marketer should aim for. 
Facebook engagement is any action someone takes on your Facebook Page or one of your posts. 
The most common examples are reactions such as likes, comments and shares, but it can also include saves, viewing a video or clicking on a link. 
Previously I did a poll asking what barriers stood in the way of people posting consistently on social media and time was a big reason. We get so busy doing the job we do that we forget to have a social media presence running as well. Having a social media presence is a major way to keep brand awareness and continue the supply of leads, enquiries or sales 
To maximise your time effectively you have a few options. Firstly find the time - schedule time into your diary and write your weeks worth of posts in one go and then schedule them to go out over the week. By doing the whole weeks worth in one go you make the most of the time and its blocked out in your diary every week. 
Secondly you get someone else to do it for you. This ensures the work is done and you don't have to worry about it at all. Complete peace of mind. Just ensure the person you outsource to provides quality 
So which one would works best for you? 
Personality captures the heart ❤ 
Bring a little personality to your business 
We all know the phrase "people buy from people" but yet businesses still refuse to add any personality to their marketing and social media 
True relationships, connections and trust is built through the "human" side of your marketing 
So how can you add personality to your social media business pages? 
1. Tell stories that draw your audience in, giving an inside sneak peak of everyday life 
2. Video content - Both pre-recorded and live video help people see you in a true light and showcase your personality 
3. Visual content with you in the picture helps show off who you are and make you memorable 
4. Ensure your content matches your personality. Don't write in a different tone to how you actually are or you'll put people off 
5. Add some humour where relevant to show you are friendly and approachable 
These are just a few ways personality can be added to your business socials which will make it much easier for your audience to know, like and trust you 
"Beauty attracts the eyes but personality captures the heart" 
With organic reach dropping from business pages and companies beginning to panic about reaching customers we ask has Facebook damaged your business leads? Have your enquiries dropped and has it affected your use of the social network? 
Firstly, as a business you cannot afford not to be on Facebook. The statistics don’t lie. Facebook has 2 billion active users every month and 70% of customers hear about a new business first on the social network. 60% of people polled on Facebook said they would visit a FB business page before the business bricks and mortar location with 80% more likely to buy if you have a positive Facebook presence 
So what can you do in your business to make effective use of Facebook? 
Running Facebook ads can be a minefield and it is essential that you get it right to ensure you don't burn the budget and waste your hard earned money. 
One of the first things you need to decide when launching a campaing is what objective you want to achieve from the advert. 
Without knowing your end goal you will find it difficult to create the right campaign to ensure your ideal customers talk the actions you wish them to take. 
It’s now more important than ever to ensure you have a social media presence for your business. The business world has changed and online activity is more important than ever. 
Facebook has over 2.7 billion monthly active users and over 1.8 billion of those are active on Facebook every single day. With this in mind I still get told that “Facebook doesn’t work for B2B businesses”. With 80 million small-medium sized businesses on Facebook (an increase of 23% year on year) and 6 million of those choosing to advertise on the platform - there certainly is a big reason to choose Facebook as one of your marketing channels 
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